News, Commission Portraits, Paintings for Sale & More!

"Mountain Dulcimer" claims 1st place!

"Mountain Dulcimer" took 1st place at the JFBC juried show that concluded Oct. 4.

Spring Atlanta Home Show!

This March, 2010, Home Show was the first time that artists were included in the Home Show, and thus my first time as well--what a terrific weekend!  Many, many thanks to all those who stopped by and had such kind and encouraging remarks and interest in my work.  Special thanks for all those who set up commissions for me to work on--new and interesting challenges!


Please note that I will be in Germany for the 1st two weeks in May, so you can take this into account if you have a question about a commission piece.

Work in Haiti - Oct. 2010

Working with Haitian orphans on a compound in La Plaine, Haiti, was an adventure that involved taking two trunks down there crammed with art supplies for the orphanage and school, and seeing the delight in the kids as we made things like bead jewelry and paper "papillons" (butterflies).  The biggest accomplishment was an 8 1/2 x 11 ft. mural of the story of Noah's ark that I painted on a wall of the classroom building hallway. To me it symbolized the refuge of the orphanage itself for these children, though to Pastor Jean Paul who heads up this remarkable work in the midst of unbelievably difficult circumstances, it symbolizes the community ministry centered there at the compound, which is making a profound impact on the surrounding neighborhood .   What a privilege to have a brief and tiny part in that work!  I hope to go back and take a team of artists with me.  We'll see. . .!